Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

By Jim Beaugez ( Systems Contractor News )

Nationwide, hotel chains are working to recover to pre-pandemic guest numbers, but with fewer hotel employees. As labor shortages continue, many properties are learning to do more with less—and that could mean a coming increase in technology investment.

Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

Guests at Treasure Island in Las Vegas, NV, can catch every touchdown at the Golden Circle Sportsbook, which recently doubled in size to offer room for 750 guests in a spacious 12,000 square feet. McCann Systems helped bring the space to life with industry-leading audiovisual technology, including almost 85 feet of LED ticker displays. A 380-square-foot main LED display (1.9mm pixel pitch) wraps Golden Circle like a ribbon and clocks in at over 76 feet in length. Additionally, a 22-foot continuation of the LED spans the main bar. The space has columns dotted throughout, so McCann Systems and Treasure Island strategically wrapped 65-inch displays around them so patrons won’t ever encounter a poor sightline. Almost 50 HD units can be controlled as a group or individually to provide any source of content. Finally, more than 60 betting carrels can be individually tuned to catch a race, game, or custom content. (Image credit: McCann Systems)

The travel and hospitality industries have suffered mightily through the COVID-19 pandemic, with U.S. hotels posting their worst numbers on record in 2020. The industry closed out the year with an anemic occupancy rate of 44 percent and more than 1 billion unsold room nights for the first time ever, according to data from STR.

Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

David Schwartz

(Image credit: Essential Communications)

“The pandemic has ravaged the hospitality industry,” said David Schwartz, founder and CEO of Essential Communications. Schwartz has had a front-seat vantage of the situation in New York City, a perennial top destination for travelers.

“Sixty percent of NYC restaurants have permanently closed due to the pandemic, and

data from Yelp suggests businesses are struggling to recover despite some reopening measures,” he said. “Existing hotels, which are reopening very slowly after two years of being dormant, are reluctant to spend money on either new systems or upgrades that may be necessary, especially for properties with aging AV systems.”

Nationwide, hotel chains are working to recover to pre-pandemic guest numbers, but with fewer hotel employees. As labor shortages continue, many properties are learning to do more with less—and that could mean a coming uptick in technology investment for hotel common areas. For example, Schwartz has seen steady growth in the construction of screening rooms that hold up to 100 people, which the hotels rent for presentations and private screenings. But lobbies remain the most popular hotel space for installations of audio- and video-related technology.

Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

Matt Wilson

(Image credit: McCann Systems)

“An experiential lobby, ambient music in the hallways, digital signage and wayfinding, and lounges and restaurants with screens are all part of an immersive AV experience,” said Matt Wilson(opens in new tab), director of marketing at McCann Systems. “Making entranceways and lobbies areas that guests want to be in and feel connected to is pound-for-pound the best use of AV or LED displays in a hospitality situation.”

Pre-pandemic, the boutique hotel boom relegated many of those mass-communication tactics to the sidelines—instead of LEDs, display screens and wayfinding kiosks, these properties are more inclined to use concierge services to give guests a personal touch. The hospitality industry’s reemergence from a period of relative dormancy coincides with continued growth in personal technology, and has drawn attention away from common areas and toward the guest rooms.

“Where I have seen and provided AV improvements the most is in guest rooms,” said Schwartz. “This really is the place where hoteliers tend to spend the most money. It makes sense; options for AV have expanded exponentially. I’ve seen turntables in rooms, and you can get records from the front desk.”

Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

Joe King

(Image credit: PPDS)

The menu of options grows from there, from 80-inch TVs with soundbars to bedside alarm and entertainment sets with Bluetooth connectivity. Personalized experiences are where hospitality groups are investing, but not quickly enough, said Joe King(opens in new tab), vice president of commercial displays at PPDS (formerly Philips Professional Display Solutions).

“I go back to the days when you would drive by the Holiday Inn on the interstate and [the sign] said ‘Free HBO’ or ‘Room Service,’” said King. “When you checked into a hotel, you got something that you didn’t get at home.”

Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences

Following PPDS’ return to the hospitality market in April of this year, the manufacturer, exclusive global provider of Philips professional TV and digital signage products, announced the launch of its biggest hospitality display to date, with the 4K UHD Philips MediaSuite 75-inch connected pro TV. Designed to bring more immersive experiences to hotel rooms, this latest addition to Philips MediaSuite range will be on display in the Philips Professional Display Solutions booth at InfoComm in October. This 75-inch model—joining the 43-, 50-, 55-, and 65-inch variants—has been launched in response to customer feedback (including hoteliers and end users) and growing trends within the hospitality market for larger, connected, remotely managed TVs inside hotel rooms. (Image credit: PPDS)

Now, the tables have turned, he said. Guests have a nearly infinite number of entertainment options at home, while hotels are having to play catch-up. The majority of hotel brands still offer conventional set-top-box cable TV services, while nearly half of U.S. households have already cut the cable cord in favor of over-the-top streaming services like YouTube TV, Sling TV, and Netflix, as well as network-owned apps from ESPN, Disney, Paramount, and others. These apps make it easier for guests to watch programs that they would get in their home markets, such as sporting events.

“Next week when I’m in Dallas, the [Atlanta] Braves are going to play the [Philadelphia] Phillies, and what I typically end up doing is watching it on either my laptop or my tablet,” said King. “Wouldn’t it be great if I could watch it on the 50-inch in the hotel room? I think people are starting to wonder, ‘Why can’t I do what I can do at home in my hotel room?’ That’s where we’re starting to see some people look to invest.”

Smart TVs are one solution that major chains are implementing through AV integrators, and the growth potential appears significant. IHG, which owns Kimpton, Holiday Inn, and other hotel brands, currently provides smart TVs in less a quarter of their rooms, while half of Marriott rooms are equipped with smart TVs. But using the apps through a smart TV in a hotel room isn’t free; guests log in with their personal credentials, and both the guest and the hotel carry the burden of security risks.

“The challenge for hotels is erasing all that data after a guest checks out,” said Schwartz. “It can get cumbersome, and there are also security concerns from both the guests’ credentials and personal data, and from the hotel side and their responsibility to maintain and secure guest and credit card information. Until it can be made both easy and secure, it will remain difficult.”

With the hotel experience increasingly relying on the guest’s own preferences and resources, though, how far down that road brands will go remains unclear. According to King, enthusiasm for voice activation, the next logical amenity for guest rooms, is currently low.

“There’s some skepticism about something that can hear you,” he said. “I think hotels have been somewhat reluctant to put those types of devices in their guest rooms for fear that the guest thinks someone’s always listening to them. ‘Even though it’s a remote control, and it can hear me and interpret what I’m saying, is it always listening to me?’”

Despite the catastrophic losses hotels have endured over the past 20 months, hotel brands have had ample time to retool and plan for renovations and upgrades to their properties.

“As hotels recover from the pandemic, you’re starting to see a lot of people look at technology maybe a little differently,” said King. “They’ve had time to study and look at different things during their downtime, so I think it has changed the outlook at the [hotel] brands as to how they have to address technology, and that’s for the better. I think as we go three or four years down the road, a lot of stuff that came out of the pandemic is going to be that hotels are going to invest more in technology.”

Source: Hospitality Industry Focuses on Creating Personalized Experiences | AVNetwork


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